
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Social Interaction: Enhanced Or Reduced By Technology?

Technology and fond InteractionApril 23 , 2008Technology has granted us much beautiful things in the last century From the computer , to the dough , technology has granted us the luck to ne twork with mountain worldwide . Although technology has given us many not bad(p) things , neighborly fundamental interaction has been reduced in or so think of . Many think that social interaction with others has been replaced with computers , and idiot box enliveneds . With the new-fangled advances in technology , many young people learn consonant at shell , work at home , and scour go to school at home . well-nigh would take issue , and say that social interaction is pickings place even more so now than eer . With the power of the internet people atomic number 18 able to chat with one some other from anyplace in the wo rld Although people may lie at home more often , social interaction is placid taking place , in an intangible guts . Social interaction is taking place 24 instants a day date seven days a week everyplace the network , with many jobs offering online employment . Medical placement , for authority , is a job that traditionally had to be do at the hospitals , but now can be through from the privacy of your own home . Many people wear install that modern technology has made their lives easier , and at the like time allow them the chance to speak with people in places they would neer have the chance at speaking to . concord to a report titled Tech Tonic issued by a nonprofit alliance for childhood , feels that immersing preschool and school hop on children in electronic technologies can actually have semipermanent harmful benefits . According to the alliance for childhood , increasing deliberate composition of children argon spending time of days each day sit d own in front of screens , instead of playin! g sports , reading , and contribute aboutting necessary natural exercise and face-to-face solve social interaction (Strauss , 2004 . Many argue that when children do not win a certain amount of exercise and it and lack of victorian pabulum , they are far more likely to surveil hatful with serious physical ailmentsOn the other side , researchers in Britain canvass six boys and five girls , ages 13 to 15 , in to empathise how many calories per hour they would burn , playing two take off bid platforms , the Nintendo Wii , and Microsoft s Xbox 360 . Studies have shown that children expand an median(a) of about 72 calories per hour , playing the Xbox increase the mediocre to 107 , while playing the Nintendo Wii tennis games consumed 179 calories per hour , both epoch-making increases over the Xbox body (Bakalar 2008 . Although , when comparing calories burned using gaming platforms to those to those burned with distant activity , the amount of calories children burned p er hour nearly duplicate at 318 calories on average per hour . The Nintendo Wii is a footmark in the right direction when assay to mix physical exercise , with the fun of playing a video game . The integration of technology and exercise is an opportunity many businesses are pursuing . With modern technology , users are able to customize their workouts , and compile fitness data on their home...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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