
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

'‘Eve Teasing’- a Social Curse\r'

'‘ eventidenntide questioning in Bangladesh -Causes and Remedies accession: Our Society is suffering from many social evils at the moment. One of the worst evils is the eventide badger. Now Eve tease is one of the main threats for Bangladesh because it is destroying the social balance. Eve teasing is a euphemism used for customary informal harassment, street harassment or molestation of women by men, with Eve being a reference to the scriptural Eve. It usu in ally involves young men annoying girls or women by making sexual innuendos in public or in work places.School and College gates or the street is the main target of the agencyward young men to disturb girls and women. Eve teasing begins as an attempt to irritate a girl or catch her attention. A lewd st be, a sleek whistle, a well-timed clap, an unwarranted bump, a evidently causal touch, a lingering look at a vulnerable time, the humming of suggestive song, flip downright uncouth comments, cheap gestures, displ ay of un bonny snaps or videos, giving â€Å"unwelcome call” or â€Å"missed call”, sending indecent texts …. all these are typical examples of eve teasing. Impacts of Eve Teasing: Eve teasing might check outm inoffensive ‘fun to some, but gets the nerve of the victims. The severe impact of eve teasing is taking away the lives of young girls as Bangladesh has witnessed recently. Based on empirical study (2008) the hunger Project has identified some impacts of eve teasing in the society of rural Bangladesh. These are: a) Curtailed gentility: Sexual harassment increases girls’ drop-out rate from school.Parents concerned rough their daughters honour or safety sometimes forbid their daughters home and/or marry them off at an early age. b) Early marriage: Girls who are titillated or harassed are in addition pushed into marriage, beforehand they are physically or mentally prepared. c) Hindered growth: Eve teasing contributes to maintaining the lo w status of women. It also hinders women in participating in the formal profession sector. d) Suicide cases: Teasing the young tender-hearted girls is increasing aggressively day by day. The outcome is the serial suicide of many innocent girls.Ain-O-Shalish Kendra (ASK), a human rights composition has revealed that 14 girls and women, due to repression of stalkers, opted for ultimate destiny of their lives conclusion no some other alternatives, over the past iv months. Moreover, girls and their guardians are being attacked and sometimes murdered, because they protested against it. Causes: In a male dominant society like ours, eve teasing can be viewed as a rite of passage for boys on their way to becoming men. To the society, in general, being male signifies ‘powerful, while the pistillate is always a ‘second sex or weaker one.Our gentility has no lesson stint, our religious exercises have belong ritualistic. Electronic media, especially some movies (both Hind i and Bengali) whitethorn be blamed for propagating eve teasing. Many movies absorb scenes of teasing, showing this behaviour as a way to win a womans heart. One statistics suggests, 32% of the eve teasers are students, 35% are anti-socials while 33% are middle-aged men. So, the spectrum of eve teasers is very widely starting from teenagers to middle-aged men, either illiterate or educated. In our country, yet now there is no strict law that can effectively see eve teasing.Article 76 of the Dhaka Metropolitan legal philosophy Ordinance 1976 of the Penal Code of 1860 affirms that any acts, conducts or verbal abuses that are used to disgrace women are penalizeable by law. However, these provisions seem meek compared with the crimes they commit. Sometimes, women are blamed for ‘alluring eve teasers by their ‘seductive dresses or make-ups. But the reality is, the majority girls who become the eat of eve teasers are from rural areas and they are much conservative in wea ring dresses compared with their counterparts in the urban areas. Remedies: First of all we need to reduce the sexual practice segregation in the society.The boys should respect the opposite sex, as morality demands it, adding that they should not be unaware to the accompaniment that they have families too. We also need to formulate a mass awareness programme in this context. Media, NGOs and other social organizations may play pivotal intention in this respect. Policemen must be deployed and conscious and should punish such vagabonds where necessary. â€Å"Mobile courts” are now empower to prosecute the crime of â€Å"Eve teasing”. sentence brings a year in jail, a very well of $70, or both. Recently, the government is planning to introduce a strict law against eve teasing.No doubt, this is a well-timed step to move forward Conclusion: What we see happening today cannot be remedied by the employment of law alone. What is needed most is the proactive and emphati c role of the society to retrieve social and moral values which have eroded over the years. raising Ministry in Bangladesh has designated 13 June, 2010 as Eve Teasing Protection Day. To reduce this crime, we must launch a social movement against this in addition to introducing retributive legal measures. However, all the steps will be futile unless the male segment of the society tack its patriarchal mindset.\r\n'

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